This is Tyson

Tyson is my friend
I find it interesting that Tyson could come up with the time to post about 100 comments on my blog in less than an hour, but yet he hasn't updated his blog in almost a month.
That's all I have to say about Tyson right now.
Amen to that!! And, how is it that Tyson has time to work, go out for lunch, party, and then go see a late nite movie and yet his blog remains the same?! Your blog is sad Tyson :( All it wants is some TLC...
Dan, I love you...
And Maia, I think I recall you not even having a blog about 2 months ago. I have had a blog for over 2 years (check out certifying that I am a more mature blogger than you.
Who are you to tell me if I should blog and when I should blog? I will wait until your 2 year mark to actually give your words validity.
Oh young bloggetts... when will they learn patience?
"Do not let anyone look down on you because you are [a] young [blogger]".
wow way to use scripture and change it maia...hahahaha
great post. great picture. sure it wasn't by tyson.
alas one day.
Maia, Does Pastor Ken know what you've done?
Vid can't you give what the public demands?
ps, there is a good (and cheap) sushi place right down the street from, you should come into the city and we can hit it up someday
The bigger question is...does Pastor Ken know what YOU have done!!
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