Sunday, August 13, 2006

Today's word: GRANOLA!!!

So, for some reason I keep using the word "Granola." It seems to be the word of the weekend for me.

Now Granola can mean two things:

Exhibit #1

Exhibit #2

Now when most people hear the word, they think of the former... but lately I have been meaning it as in the latter. I've never really used this word in this way before until I came down to California. It seems to be the common word for a 'hippie.'

This has been my new favorite word and it started from this morning. I started today eating a granola bar. It was a good breakfast, full of chewy granola and chocolate chips. Then, later on at Starbucks, I called my friend, Justin, a Granola-Hobo because he's been growing his beard out and his odor was a bit 'au natural;' much like a hippie.

Then, tonight I went to a concert tonight to watch the bands Devics and The Black Heart Procession in Visalia. The opening band (which I cannot remember their name) was definately 'granola.' It was like a modern version of Gypsy music... but on acid and pixy-stix. The weird part was... I enjoyed it.

One of their guys looked like Fidel Castro and they had a girl lead singer. They were really creative and had this one guy who would play an old bassdrum skin on it's own and an accordion player; quite experimental I must say. Their fans were quite expressive, wearing a flowery skirt over their jeans.

But again, the only thing going through my mind during the music was the word, 'granola!' It was screaming through my mind. Kind of like that scene in Austin Powers with the Mole. I think it's stuck in my memory for good.

So, The word for this weekend - Granola. Use it, if you dare!


Blogger heather said...

I could try sliding "granola" into my day to day lingo but I don't think I could pull it off. I think I would feel too much like my dad when we're trying to teach him new words like "bling". It didn't go over so well

9:55 PM  
Blogger Megs said...

i totally used it today!! MY bro said something about hippies, and I nonshalantly *how the crap do you spell that one!?!? nonchalent?!whatever!* used Granola...i'm gonna be honest tys, i sort of started signing it!

12:36 AM  
Blogger Tyco Montoyo said...

signing it? what do you mean?

12:47 AM  
Blogger Megs said...

hahaha SINGING...singing it! hahaha

11:43 AM  
Blogger Flip Flops Anonymous said...

I wish I was a hippie *sigh*. I would lie by the ocean, staring reflectively into the open waves, strumming my guitar (koom-by-ya obviously) and eat granola that I made with my own two would be marvelous...

6:14 PM  

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