Love; twue love...
I think I'm in love...
The other day I went to my friend Brandon Saubert's (Saubo) place and checked out their 'done-up' bachelor pad.
It was stinkin sweet! Well, stinkin would not be a good expression, because that is negative. It's like a sweet smelling, freshly-baked-goods-by-your-mother-smell sweet!
Anyhoo, I didn't fall in love with their 60" screen in the dining room, or their converted livingroom in to a theatre with an "HD" projector that I loved. Nor was it the heart-stopping, bone-crushing, deafening, kick-bottom sound system they had attached to it. I fell in love with what they played for a demo.
Her name, Alison Krauss - She did the soundtrack for the movie Oh Brother, Whereart Thou?

First of all, she has a German name, that's hot.
Secondly, she can sing like a flipping angel. (actually, do angels really flip? I don't know... never seen one... but then again, I've never heard an angel sing. So, a singing flipping angel would be amazing!) Whenever she sings, my heart is filled with Joy, kind of like when Saul's heart was filled with joy when david would play... except I wouldn't want to kill her afterwards.
The problem is, I am not a fan of Country, so I justify it by saying she's Blue Grass. Still, either I'm getting old or weak, because I'm becoming a sucker for country....err.... Blue Grass!
Anybody concur?
The other day I went to my friend Brandon Saubert's (Saubo) place and checked out their 'done-up' bachelor pad.
It was stinkin sweet! Well, stinkin would not be a good expression, because that is negative. It's like a sweet smelling, freshly-baked-goods-by-your-mother-smell sweet!
Anyhoo, I didn't fall in love with their 60" screen in the dining room, or their converted livingroom in to a theatre with an "HD" projector that I loved. Nor was it the heart-stopping, bone-crushing, deafening, kick-bottom sound system they had attached to it. I fell in love with what they played for a demo.
Her name, Alison Krauss - She did the soundtrack for the movie Oh Brother, Whereart Thou?

First of all, she has a German name, that's hot.
Secondly, she can sing like a flipping angel. (actually, do angels really flip? I don't know... never seen one... but then again, I've never heard an angel sing. So, a singing flipping angel would be amazing!) Whenever she sings, my heart is filled with Joy, kind of like when Saul's heart was filled with joy when david would play... except I wouldn't want to kill her afterwards.
The problem is, I am not a fan of Country, so I justify it by saying she's Blue Grass. Still, either I'm getting old or weak, because I'm becoming a sucker for country....err.... Blue Grass!
Anybody concur?
I'd say you're getting old and weak...baha!! Tyson + Alison eh? Hmmm. Could be a good combo ;)
Tyson, I gotta say that I'm still a bit disturbed at the memory of you throwing the dandelions that you picked for a sermon illustration right over a cliff without a second thought!! Hahaha, and I just chuckle when I think of you on that Luther video, preaching with acoustic guitar music playing softly in the background. But Adam ('outhouse') did an AMAZING job of putting those Luther videos together!! I'm freakin impressed!!
I concur. And, I loved how you asked about angels. That's awesome!
I don't know if you remember me, but I met you at Jeremy B's New Year's parties. I wonder what happened to that guy anyway, do you know?
Oops I guess it would help if I looked at your pictures first hey before assuming I know who you are. YIKES :| HAHA :) I think you share the same name with another. Anywho, I still like how you write so may I add you to my blog-links (I'm at Wordpress where it's called a blogroll)?
She does have a great voice. But she's definitely country, not bluegrass...
haha tys...oh how the mighty have fallen!! COUNTRY BOY!!
I will kill you all... besides... you all know what happens when you play country music backwards, right?
i have the perfect event for you country boy...our church hoedown!! you can get all 'countried up' and come and do a lil do-see-do. maybe alison will be there... need to listen to me very you remember what a siren is? A siren is a female or partly human creature in Greek mythology that lured mariners to destruction by singing. I understand everything seems so perfect and beautiful to your ears, but this only leads to torture and mutilation!!!
Thanks, Dan. I need you there to slap me and wake me up to the goodness. I think the fine sound of Snow Patrol will do that just fine!
i dont think i can be your friend.
I was once told the angels actually do flip.
Thought I would let you know......
what have you learned from this experience? do not confess your inner thoughts on a blog. you will be scoffed at and mocked. we should all just keep our confessions to ourselves (ha ha)
Maia, It seems to be only you who is mocking me... me so sorry.
it's not just me my the other comments. i think that a secret club has formed called the 'let's mock tyson for liking country music club'. crap, i just gave it's no longer a secret...
for the record tyson...i would never mock your musical tastes. I'm only warning you of the life (if you can call it that) you choose to lead if you do walk down this path. i will always love you tyson, and i will still visit you in hell if you don't turn back now...
suck up!! and the ring leader of 'the club' none the less! *gasp*
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