Lurneeng tu Kommyunickayt
I think everybody should take courses on conflict resolution and how to communicate effectively... It would make life a lot easier.
I find that the majority of drama, the majority of hurt friendships comes from a lack of how to effectively communicate or to effectively deal with an issue properly. And it's starting to tick me off.
This isn't because of one specific incident, but it seems as though (probably with me being in ministry) that I have had a lot of conversations with people who are dealing with hurt relationships or drama in their friendships. For every situation, it's come down to a lack of being able to listen and understand each other. Of course they can hear and then reiterate what the person said to them, but they fail to truly understand it.
What happens when there's not clear communication (and when I mean communication, there has to be understanding, not just speaking and listening.) is it leads into over-internalization and over-analyzation; two things that become detrimental powder-kegs to any situation. How many times have we (saying this because all of us have dealt with this at some point in our lives) spent all night tossing and turning in our beds because we're thinking of a conversation or an incident that could be different? THAT ISN'T HEALTHY!!! What happens is a chain of events... We lose sleep, become physically tired. We over-analyze therefore becoming mentally tired. When we are mentally and physically tired, Satan sticks his foot in the door and starts bombarding you with thoughts and doubts so much so that you become spiritually tired.
Once you're physically, mentally and spiritually fatigued, you are immobile.
Sorry about this rant, but I've been a bit frustrated lately because the obvious seems hard to grasp...
From now on, for all those family members, for all those friends, for all those young people who are dealing with drama... Let's all learn communication and conflict resolution in the healthy way.
I find that the majority of drama, the majority of hurt friendships comes from a lack of how to effectively communicate or to effectively deal with an issue properly. And it's starting to tick me off.
This isn't because of one specific incident, but it seems as though (probably with me being in ministry) that I have had a lot of conversations with people who are dealing with hurt relationships or drama in their friendships. For every situation, it's come down to a lack of being able to listen and understand each other. Of course they can hear and then reiterate what the person said to them, but they fail to truly understand it.
What happens when there's not clear communication (and when I mean communication, there has to be understanding, not just speaking and listening.) is it leads into over-internalization and over-analyzation; two things that become detrimental powder-kegs to any situation. How many times have we (saying this because all of us have dealt with this at some point in our lives) spent all night tossing and turning in our beds because we're thinking of a conversation or an incident that could be different? THAT ISN'T HEALTHY!!! What happens is a chain of events... We lose sleep, become physically tired. We over-analyze therefore becoming mentally tired. When we are mentally and physically tired, Satan sticks his foot in the door and starts bombarding you with thoughts and doubts so much so that you become spiritually tired.
Once you're physically, mentally and spiritually fatigued, you are immobile.
Sorry about this rant, but I've been a bit frustrated lately because the obvious seems hard to grasp...
From now on, for all those family members, for all those friends, for all those young people who are dealing with drama... Let's all learn communication and conflict resolution in the healthy way.